YARN NodeManager

In this chapter

This chapter explains about NodeManager and its related features

What is NodeManager

There is a per-machine NodeManager (NM) that manages the user processes on configured machine. The ResourceManager and the NodeManager form the computation fabric of the cluster.

Each process started by the NodeManager is conceptually a container, or a bundle of resources allocated by the ResourceManager. NodeManager consists of number of containers and an application master.


NodeManager Details

Following details about NodeManager are displayed.

Status Summary

NodeManager Summary

Add NodeManager

To add a new NodeManager, click on Add button on NodeManager page.

Enter following NodeManager details.

Configure NodeManager

To configure the properties of NodeManager, select the check-box against target NodeManager and click Configure. All configurable properties of NodeManager will be displayed.

Start, Stop, Delete NodeManager

Select the NodeManager and click on Start, Stop or Delete to perform respective function.

Start/Stop Monitoring

JMX monitoring takes place which checks NodeManager's status, Launched, Completed, Failed, Killed, Running and Initiating containers. To start or stop NodeManager Monitoring, select the check box against the node and click on Start Monitoring or Stop Monitoring button respectively.

NodeManager Summary

NodeManager summary contains:


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